Michelle Quinn Play Journal, 2018-2019

This is a very special project as it’s improved my health and well-being over the last year. The rules of the project are: 1) one four hour block of “unstructured time,” per week – nothing can be booked or pre-planned for this space, 2) you cannot work on to-do list items during this time, 3) if you want to do it – do it! (i.e. eat ice cream three times in four hours, why not?!), 4) you have to journal about it when you’re done.

The basis of this project is couched in Brene Brown’s writing on whole hearted living. This project is a big permission slip to “waste time,” watching movies, not feel guilty over an an occasional outing, to play, and to add more art and wonder into life. I deem it a very successful venture.

This travel journal is from Chronicle Books with artwork by Kate Pocrass, copyright 2013. My favorite page is the Churchill/Sherlock page. I also like the piano/music page, and the SITU Sherlock event page after it. There are still a few more pages left before I’m done.